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  • Who is in charge of the Van Buren County Trail? I would like to know about the instructions on how to design and make a square. Thanks kindly.
    Rebecca Shannon

  • Hi, my name is Savannah Watkins from White County. I’ve been following the Quilt Trail and I’ve seen some unknown ones in Searcy County. I also in Arkansas Living that there’s a picture of a John Deere one. Which county would that one be in? I’d really like to see it. Thanks!

    • Hi, Savannah. I went back to the Arkansas Living publication in November 2019 to see which block you are referring to. Looks like the John Deere block is among others that were at the Hidden Gallery shop in Perryville. It’s located at 106 Fourche Ave, Perryville, AR 72126. So those particular blocks may not be on the trail, but are those you can purchase. Enjoy your search! We look forward to seeing White County join our quilt trail effort. Thanks for messaging us

  • Is there any way I could get one of these Arkansas Quilt Trails brochure mailed to me. Or can y’all guide me in the right direction where to request one. Thank you very much!!

  • A small group of ladies that meet for art projects are wanting to do barn quilts. We r in need of patterns and any helpful hints and info to make a nice finished block. We r in Stobe County, Ar. Hope u can provide us some guidance.

  • Would love a brochure, since moving to Newton County I have noticed quilt designs on buildings. Would like to design one for our home now close to Sam’s Throne. Thank you

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